Plant-based or vegan? What’s the difference? In our world of ever-evolving food preferences, millions of people around the globe are shunning meat products and embracing the complex concepts of plant-based and vegan diets. We know they both involve avoiding eating meat, but what’s the real difference between the two? Plant-based and vegan are commonly believed… Read More
New vegan recipes for 2020
The clock chimed midnight. Fireworks lit up the sky, a million bubbles were consumed and resolutions were made with gusto. What have you promised yourself this year? What will change and how will you make that change happen? If you are one of the millions of Britons who has used the promise of a new… Read More
Quattro Kitchen Embraces Increasing Vegan Customers
From Meatless Mondays to Vegan Tuesdays – the culinary world is becoming greener, more organic, more animal friendly and possibly even tastier? The cynical amongst you may be sniggering but you know that we know it’s only because you’ve never tried vegan food. Believe us, it’s relatively new here at Quattro HQ and there were… Read More